AiPool, which is backed by ai16z founder Shaw, and Spore.fun, which has attracted much attention from the market, both use Phala Network's TEE technology to issue coins, which has once again attracted community attention to the active projects in the Polkadot ecosystem during the last bull market.
Solana AI黑客松凸显出链上交易和DeFi如何成为AI代理的关键垂直领域。这些用例可能会推动2025年第一季度和第二季度的创新。
在接下来一个月内,任何人都可以通过 Daydreams 部署 AI Agent,来游玩 Starknet 上任何基于 Dojo 的全链游戏。
2024 年 Meme 币占据了加密叙事 31% 的份额,成为不可忽视的市场力量
With the revival of DeFi, we may see BTCFi’s connection with real finance become closer. For example, the application of stablecoins in the BTCFi ecosystem will continue to expand, which will provide more efficient and low-cost solutions for cross-border payments and international trade.
In this issue, FinTax will review the Oyster case and the Bitqyck case, using these two ICO-related tax evasion cases as examples to provide crypto investors with sober thinking about tax compliance during the meme coin craze.
【GPT】多位巨鲸近期在加密市场中进行大额操作:某巨鲸申领2638万枚BIO空投,占初始流通量2.03%;聪明钱通过GAME代币获利642万美元,回报率高达66776%;另一巨鲸新建地址购入1222万美元HYPE;还有巨鲸从币安提取LINK、存入CRV和RNDR获利;ETH/BTC多头James Fickel持续减仓以偿还债务。来源于MarsBit专栏作家Luke
Binance Alpha新增arc、WHY、APU、HAPPY和FWOG;1.69万亿枚BONK已完成销毁;BNSOL超级质押将上线第三期项目MANTRA(OM)。
从历史高点到近一月低谷,比特币在过去一周经历了过山车行情。就在不到一周前,比特币价格冲破 108,000 美元,创下历史新高,...
MV Global预计,Pump.Science将在2025年实现大幅扩容,预计到年底至少有10个项目的市值将超过1亿美元。